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Cancellation/Return Policy


If you are not satisfied with the product you purchased, we will be happy to accept its return, exchange it, or alternatively refund you the full amount of the purchase, excluding shipping costs (179 NIS including VAT).

Here are all the detailed conditions:

  1. The product was purchased according to a model that was published on our website, only in the same sizes and specifications. It is not possible to return products that were published and sold through a third party or through the website of a third party (please contact the store/supplier of the third party responsible for the sale of the product regarding the return of the product).

  2. In cases where the product is defective in part and cannot be repaired, the company undertakes to repair or replace it or compensate the customer with a partial or full refund of the purchase.

  3. The product will be returned in its original packaging, unopened and without signs of damage. The product can be returned within 14 days from the date of delivery. You must have a delivery note or an invoice that shows the delivery time and product description.

  4. The product has not been physically assembled at the customer's home (it is not possible to return a product that has already been assembled at the customer's home and its correctness has been approved by our carrier/assembly personnel or representative).

  5. The product can only be returned upon receipt of the goods and in the presence of our carrier. Cancellation fees are 179 NIS including VAT for a product that has been delivered to the customer (payment for delivery).

  6. If an order is cancelled before the product is sent to the customer, a full refund will be given for the amount paid, with a deduction of handling fees at a rate of 40 NIS excluding VAT, which are non-refundable.

SKINNYZ The Perfect Folding Chair
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